Customer Satisfaction Survey

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Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Survey
We place customer satisfaction in the first place. Every single question you are answering is important to us.

Please, provide your name

Please, provide your name

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Please, provide your email address

Please, provide your email address

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What do you like most about our product?

What do you like most about our product?

Clear selection

Are you satisfied with the plugin? Please rank from one to five.

Are you satisfied with the plugin? Please rank from one to five.

Column 1
Row 1
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Suggestions and Recommendations
Let us know what you would like to change and whether you would recommend our product.

What would you change in our plugin?

What would you change in our plugin?

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Would you recommend our plugin to your friends and colleagues?

Would you recommend our plugin to your friends and colleagues?

Clear selection
Help Us Improve
Please tell us what you think we can change. Your suggestions will be taken into full account.

What is missing in Survey Maker?

What is missing in Survey Maker?

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Do you have any additional feedback for us?

Do you have any additional feedback for us?

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Leave a Reply

Click me
Testing survey
<ul style=“list-style-type:square”>

How friendly were the employees?*

How friendly were the employees?*

Your size

Your size

Question 3

Question 3



select an answer

select an answer

select an answer Phone

select an answer Phone

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